My name is Liam Wolf. I currently attend Washington High School as a Junior. I participate in both football and track. I have always played sports. I've grown up in a home that believes that you work for everything you have. Over the last three summers, I have worked a full time job, lso working part time jobs throughout the summer and school year. I have an older sister, Amelia (22), who attends college out of state, and I live with my two loving parents, Candace and Damian. At the age of 16, and only having my license for a number of weeks, I bought my first car. A 2008 Cadillac CTS for $5000 cash. That is what I had been working for. I've dreamed of buying my own car since I can remember. I have no direct plans for my future, but may only goal is to always be able to provide for myself.
Recently I have been looking for a truck to replace my car. I scout these sites frequently looking for the perfect truck for me.
Period | Class | Teacher | Room # | Semester |
1 | Pre-Calculus | Mr. Costantino | 301 | 1234 |
2 | Physics | Mr.Strnisha | 203 | 1234 |
3 | Adv. English 11 | Mr. Campbell | 407 | 1234 |
4A | American Cultures | Mr. Cappucci | 308 | 1234 |
4B | Lunch | Staff | Cafeteria | 1234 |
5 | Heath II | Mrs. Ryburn | BO25 | 12 |
5 | Intro to Marketing | Mr. Plassio | 213 | 34 |
6 | Phys Ed | Mr. Clutter | Gym | 12 |
6 | Web Design | Mr. Costantino | 301 | 34 |
7 | Life On Your Own | Mrs. Spargur | SB13 | 1234 |
8 | Safety Ed | Mr. Maltony | 214 | 12 |
8 | Phys Ed | Mr. Clutter | Gym | 34 |